Thursday, July 27, 2006


Quentin Tarantino's directorial debut and a masterpiece. The movie has been directed along with three others including acclaimed independent director Robert Rodriguez. The movie is set in a hotel and each room of the hotel is directed by one of the directors. The last room of course is reserved for Tarantino where he also plays the lead himself. The fourth room has Tarantino written all over it.
The main highlight of Tarantino's movies is the sheer entertainment value of it all. When you walk away from the movie after two hours, it's not the story that was important but the dialogues that leave you mesmerized and gasping for more. The dialogues are so natural, you almost forget thats its happening on a silver screen. Notice how most of his protagonists are about to commit a heinous act of violence in the near future, yet they are so cool both before and during the actual act of committing the crime itself. If I had been so cool before my JEE exam three years ago, my life might be very different from what it is today. Another attractive feature is the style quotient of these characters in his movies. Slick, cool, composed, they never break into a sweat. Admirable qualities to have in any walk of life.
While his proclivity for violence is somewhat of a put off for some audience, I myself feel that if you mature enough to not be influenced by it, you realize that even the violence is tastefully done and does not disgust you, rather it entertains you. Of course, this is largely due to the inherent sadism present in every one of us at a deeper subconscious level.
The narration of a story is just so distinct when Tarantino is telling it. Whatever anyone says, many claim that his ideas are inspired by other movies and he is just plagiarising other works, may that be as it may, i still am a hardcore fan of Tarantino and am looking forward feverishly to his next big release after the KILL BILL duology.
Meanwhile, Manoj Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water is set for release this Friday, so I'm booked!

1 comment:

Shankar said...

i have sen only a couple of tarentino movies, kill bill (1 and 2) and reservoir dogs, the first was great, second was ok.... i like his style of direction.... as you said, cool mindset before commiting a crime