Sunday, July 23, 2006

Dogged Day in the Sunshine

From 'The Third eYe' archives

I sat there sedately, in a world of my own. There was a maddening, deafening noise all around me. Some of the noise, I vaguely figured out was in fact directed at me. People were for some reason angry with me. Or maybe they were angry with themselves and I was the outlet to vent their anger. Whatever, it really made not a difference to me.

Life was very lonely for me. He had deserted me almost a month ago, or was it more like a week. Life was so slow, you could barely tell the difference. He said I had grown fat. That was his reason. I was furious. What else was expected of me? I had nothing to do all day but chew on my food. That’s what we do. And he was faulting me for doing my thing. Oh men! They are all the same. I didn’t even try to get him back. It wasn’t worth all the effort, in my opinion.

I perceived a dull thud and suddenly my backside started hurting. That moron, he had just run his car into my backside and got away without apologizing. God, it hurt! Yet I made no effort whatsoever to get up and move out of the way of the passing traffic. It just wasn’t worth all that effort, in my opinion.

The sun was shining down on me in all its glory. Despite, this the insects were bearing down on me with rebellious fury that would have been commendable if not for the fact that it was directed at me. Slowly and painfully, I tried to shoo them away. But they just would not give up. Maybe I was fat. That’s what must be attracting them to my flesh and my sweet blood. After a while, I gave up trying to fight them. In my opinion, it just wasn’t worth the effort.

My life progressed doggedly, sluggishly. Sloth is a sin I agree, but I didn’t have anything better to do. And so there I sat, right in the middle of the road, swotting my tail lazily, and chewing on that blade of grass which had kept me occupied for the better part of the morning. It’s what we do, I consoled myself and continued chewing.

Inspired by a true story

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