Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kumta to Gokarna - Beach Trek

Date: 24th - 25th Nov 2006

We went on a one day beach trek , above mentioned covering roughly 25 km in a day. The trip was amazing. Since I am short for time at the moment(end semester is upon us), I recommend you to my friend's blog "mojosday.blogspot.com" for the details and experiences on the trek along with some breathtaking photographs
They told me - there are two kinds of people. There are Police and then there are criminals. Well, I say, when you are looking down the barrel of a gun, what's the fu**ing difference?

- Jack Nicholson in The Departed

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Close Encounters of a Shady Kind[Part 2]

Two weeks Later -

He was crouching low behind some bushes. This was an ultra-realistic environment. The latest graphic cards' processing power could now crunch out billion of shaded pixels per second, thus the line between virtual environments and real environments was fast diminishing. This was a different gameplay. It was only one frag this time. Whoever got the first shot at the opponent was the winner. The arena was almost limitless and stealth was of utmost importance. He knew that Silent Warrior had let down his guard. He was tired now. Patience pays, and he was glad that this was one virtue that he did not lack. It was dark now. The transform and lighting effects was mindblowing. Even the shadows of the trees billowed with the wind. The moon was out and just threw enough light on the arena, almost teasing the opponents.

His moment was now coming close. Beads of perspiration glistened on his forehead in the moonlight. He had to show himself sooner or later. He waited, this would be his retribution, and he would execute his vengeance in fine style. Dressed all in black, he was almost invisible, blending in with the shadows seamlessly.

And then... there it was, the silhouette of his enemy, the one and only. He silently picked up his gun, drew the beads and squeezed the trigger. Thrice, in quick succession. The silhouette went down; the rag doll physics was excellent, thanks to the physics engine.

Wait a minute... Quake 3 did not have a Rag doll physics engine. Why didn't Silent warrior explode into pieces of flesh and blood? Where was the 'You win!' text? Slowly, it dawned upon him; just as slowly as the sun rising over the horizon. This was no arena. This was real life. There were no frags and respawning. There was only one life and death. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. Well, this time he had won, and in that too in what style. He had made his mark. Now, he would never be challenged by the Silent Warrior again. As well, he would no longer pose a threat anyway, now that he had been conquered...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Close Encounters of a Shady Kind! [Part I]

He was breathing hard. His heart beat was easily doing 150 beats a minute. Sweat was pouring down the edges of his eyebrows and trickling down his cheek and drowning in the collar of his shirt. Inspite of the heavy exertion, there was nothing but absolute concentration on his eyes as he stared rigidly ahead like a horse on blinkers would.

Hold on... you have almost got it... he urged himself on silently, but he never let his guard down even the slightest. This was his judgement day. He crouched down silently in a dark corner waiting for his prey. Now, he was ready for him.

Suddenly, there was a bluish streak of light and before he could react, he was blown to pieces of muscle and the blood spattered all over the floor. Silent Warrior wins! He flung the keyboard across the room in fury and pulled at his hair wildly in a gesture that showed despair and a hint of something that was difficult to comprehend. His mouth opened wide in a 'No', but no sound escaped his mouth. It had died out in his throat. He had been fragged by Silent Warrior again. that too when both were 19 frags each and he was one frag away from claiming victory himself.

After a while, he steeled himself. A cold emotionless look returned to his face that was almost death itself. he picked up his keyboard, placed it front of him, and uttered a single 'Yeaaaaaaaaaah'; that was his characteristic warcry; it was not a show that he was putting on for anyone who might be watching him play at the moment, but more to re-energize himself before another gruelling session.

Three hours ,a pool of sweat on the floor, five discarded coffee cups and two broken keyboards later, Silent Warrior was still standing triumphant and undaunted. He gave up for the night resignedly. Every dog has his day, was the last cliche that sprang to his tired mind as he collapsed on his bed and went into a deep but troubled sleep.