Friday, July 06, 2007

Star Power

Just came back after watching the movie Shivaji, The Boss. And for the life of me, I couldn't remeber why I had assented to accompany my friends to see that movie in the first place. They just seem to reach a new level of stupidity in the name of performing 'stunts' and 'comedy' and 'style'. I have to say that Shriya Saran's exquisitely crafted body and the suggestive sway of her hips in the dance sequences were the only things that kept me from pulling out my hair from my head. After a while, even that got monotonous. Just because Rajni 'sir' is the hero doesn't mean they can get away with showing anything on the screen. And yet going by the collections, they seem to have achieved just that. It goes to show that a vast majority of the Indian Population are just dumb or have insipid tastes. My guess is that they haven't seen anything better.

One has to commend the Director's efforts for once again trying to expose the fallacies of corruption and trying to inspire people to give up corruption. But time and again, one gets the feeling that beating up guys and seducing hot actresses is the main fare in the movie and tackling corruption just the side dish. I have to admit that I did not expect much from the movie and tagged along just to quench my curiosity.

Anyway for those of you who read this post and are open to trying out a good movie, how about 'The Big Lebowski' for starters and 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' for main course. And if you are still hungry for more, try 'The Pursuit of Happiness' for dessert.

1 comment:

Mojo Rising said...

Its very easy to criticize man.... This "style" appeals to the mass here... As long as that is fine and it runs.. its cool... The movies that you have recommended appeal to your taste... you cant say what is good or what is bad to someone... it is upto them... Tarantino's movies have the same aspect of style.. We watch pulp fiction and say Travolta is amazing.... this style is great... Well others may embellish it the same way you have (for sivagi).... I'm not saying its a good movie... It sucks IMO... but you have to be open to others ideas...