Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Treat At The Taj Manjuran

We had a big treat at the Taj Manjuran, Mangalore about ten days back. The occasion of course, the wonderful placements that all final years are having. The treat was a bit extravagant, but then so are our pay packets.
I actually went there two days earlier with a couple of friends to decide the menu for the Buffet, and I congragulate myself that the menu we selected was Purrrfect! We actually named the occasion 'Porki Baays' Treat' ( meaning loafer gang) . We also wanted to add the line 'Free meals' after that, but the Taj authorities refused to put that up (understandably). We had also made arrangements for a bus to Taj from college and back, since there were around fifty of us.
The party started of with some music, they had even rigged up a small dance floor for us, and we had our own speakers and two laptops to act as music sources. Most of us danced till we dropped, most of the dance being the typical 'porki style' to some dance music and other popular numbers which I would normally never listen to. I even went berserk dancing once or twice, that too without a drop of alcohol in my veins.
When the food arrived forty five minutes later, what can I say, the food was just heavenly. The salads and deserts were disappearing in a wink of the eye from the table. The Taj authorities got flustered and grew tired of refilling the dishes only to see them disappear even before they left the room. The chef was of course beaming because he could see us devouring and decimating his dishes with gusto. We even got a photo with the chef who incidentally was a young gentleman, in his late twenties I presume. The desserts were in such short supply, that they had to bring desserts that were not originally not on the menu at all. Finally, they just gave up trying to keep the dishes full.
Then some more dancing ensued to burn off the excess calories picked up.
On the ride back to college, guys were singing funky desi ads on the tops of their voices. Though hardly anyone was drunk, it was not so apparent to the third person looking into the bus.
When we reached college, we took out a mock march past that passed all the hostel blocks just to let the juniors know that we were having a whale of a time and also to show the true 'Porki Boys' nature that we had. All in all, a truly memorable party.

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