Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saving the world or the coffee?

Heres a funny side to zodiac signs:

Arians - Arians always talk like they are about to set out on a mission to save the world while all they will probably save is the milk for the coffee from burning over.

Aquarians - Aquarians are always dreaming of saving the world fifty years in the future but all they will really accomplish is to decide which Darshini to have their next cup of coffee in.

Cancerians - Cancerians will get equally emotional about their coffee or about saving the world but will quickly forget about both as well.

Geminis - Geminis will switch back and forth between saving the world and having their daily cuppa at every given instance.

Librans - They are too lazy to bother getting up from the sofa to save the milk for their cup of coffee from burning much less endeavour to save the world.

Sagittarians - Sagis can never decide whether it is more important to save the world or to drink their cup of coffee. Finally, they will do what the rest of the world does.

Scorpios - Scorpios will sometimes talk like they care about saving the world, but in reality, they live life in the present and all that matters in everyday life is the daily dose of Latte.

Capricons - Capricons will assert that it is everyone's moral duty to save the world when the time comes. Cup of coffee comes later.

For the rest, I don't know anyone well enough to comment on how they would react to saving the world.

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