Thursday, April 17, 2008


Before you think this is some article about warfare and Generals of armies or the rules of warfare, let me assure you that it is not...
This is dedicated to all the forwards that go around in the mailboxes of cyberspaces. Well, not to all the forwards ever sent, I dont even know 99.999% percent of them.
Anyway, wanted to point out a few of the interesting forwards that I came accross.
1. There was one with a picture of a ballerina dancing or rather rotating on one leg in the anti-clockwise direction.
The lines below the ballerina read -
Look carefully at the ballerina. 70% of the people see this girl rotating in the clockwise direction. 28% of the people will see it rotating in the anti-clockwise direction.
You look at it and go - Hmm... so I am in the minority 28%. Interesting...
Then you continue to read and it says -
Only the remaining 2% of the people in the world can actually see the girl in both the directions. They can actually will the girl to rotate in any direction they want!
So you actually concentrate on the girl and will her to change direction. And Lo and Behold, it actually does change the direction of rotation within 30 seconds. I was astonished. My first reaction was Hurrah!, I am special. Then I tried to change it back. After, a couple of minutes, it actually did change back! But I slowly realised that some idiot had actually written the program such that the girl changed directions every couple of minutes and had us believe that we were doing it ourselves. This guy must be having the last laugh. Imagine how many people would have actually believed they were the blessed 2% of the population.
2. There is the ones which ask you to concentrate on something closely and find out something. Then you are looking closely and suddenly something jumps out on the screen and you jump up from your chair and go Crap!. I know that ithis trick has been done to death, but its still fun to jump out of your seat once in a while.
3. Three was one wehre all the letetrs in the sentcene wree actulaly jmulbed up, but you could actually read all the words without any trouble. Then it actually explained that when we skim the wordswhen we read, we actually only see the first and last couple of letters in every word, and try to guess the wordin our mind. Thats why we dont actually have too much of a problem reading the words even when all the letters in between are jumbled up. That was pretty interesting fact.
4. There was one where they had a bunch of symbols on the screen and we had to pick one symbol out and remember it without actually pointing to anything on the screen with the mouse. And I would pick one and the program would actually guess which one it was. And I would be incredulous. Then I would think that maybe some way that symbol was the most appealing and everyone picked that. So I picked a new one the second time, but the program would get it right again. And again on the third time. And so on. That was very unnerving. Never did figure out how the program did that till now.
Thats all the interesting ones I can remember or care to write about at the moment.
And this is a futile attempt at writing a post. Been busy with work last couple of months. Should start posting good stuff again soon...

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